Holdie World: How This Miniature Playset Can Encourage Fine Motor Skills and Role Play in Canadian Kids

by Bailey Bouwman

Holdie World is a wonderful line of miniature playsets from Olli Ella that are perfect for young children to develop their fine motor skills and engage in imaginative play. They also make wonderful nursery decor as you wait for child to move from sleepy newborn to rambunctious toddler. Nest & Sprout is excited to offer a limited collection of wool animals that fit perfectly in the Holdie World playsets, and your favourite imagination scenes. 

Holdie World: How This Miniature Playset Can Encourage Fine Motor Skills and Role Play in Canadian Kids

We love to play with our Holide World dolls and Play Silks. Play Silks add the perfect background to our scenes forming lakes, mountains, and rivers. Or maybe grab a role of Playpa and colour your own. 

These wool blend dolls from Olli Ella are carefully handcrafted using natural materials, making them incredibly soft and safe for children to play with - especially if your children love to throw toys at each other. Designed to be durable and withstand even the most enthusiastic playtime adventures - whether you're taking on the safari or escaping from a volcanic eruptions with a handful of dinosaurs. 

Did you know that playing with dolls is good for your kids physical  and social development?

Playing with small animals can help your child develop their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and physical abilities. Small animals like woolly dinosaurs or safari creatures are easy for children to manipulate and move around, which can help build their dexterity and coordination.

Holdie World: How This Miniature Playset Can Encourage Fine Motor Skills and Role Play in Canadian Kids

In addition, small animals can inspire imaginative play and storytelling, which can be great for developing your child's social and emotional skills. Children can invent their own scenarios and stories featuring the animals, and engage in role-playing games that help build their creativity and problem-solving skills. We've had so much fun using our Holdie Folk to play out our favourite fantasy stories, but many families will use dolls to act out their night-time stories. 

This applies to bigger dolls like our Dinkum Doll collection too where dressing and undressing a doll can encourage your child to use their fingers and hands in precise ways. Carrying a doll around can help develop their arm and hand muscles, while standing and walking with the doll can build their balance and coordination. Learn more about Dinkum Dolls for your bigger kids including their amazing clothing collection. 

How to help your kids play with small dolls

I struggle with encouraging my kids to play, to dream, and to imagine. All of that in the above paragraph sounds fine and dandy, but how do you inspire that to happen. Turns out, it takes a little setting of the scene... here's some helpful ideas to inspire more inspiration in your children's' play. 

  1. Provide a variety of props and accessories: Small dolls can be even more engaging when they have a variety of props and accessories to play with.  These don't have to match or even make sense. We love to add Sarah's Silks to our games alongside PlusPlus Blocks, Silicone Toys, and the occasional Barbie. Parents can provide items like toy cars, buildings, trees, and other small toys to help create a complete play environment.

  2. Encourage storytelling and imaginative play: Children often use role-playing with small dolls as a way to tell stories and create their own scenarios. Parents can encourage this by asking open-ended questions, like "What do you think will happen next?" or "What would you do in this situation?"

  3. Model different roles and scenarios: Parents can model different roles and scenarios for their children to help inspire their play - if you're like me this is that awkward part because you have no idea what to do, but guess what you can't do it wrong. 

  4. Play together: Playing with small dolls can be a great way for parents and children to bond and spend quality time together. Parents can join in the play and create their own scenarios and stories with the dolls. This one really helps, and sometimes you can slowly sneak away. 

Holdie World: How This Miniature Playset Can Encourage Fine Motor Skills and Role Play in Canadian Kids

Inspire Imagination and Development with Holdie World and Small Doll Play

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to support your child's development and imagination? Look no further than Holdie World from Olli Ella. This limited collection of wool animals fits perfectly in the Holdie World playsets and encourages imaginative play, storytelling, and fine motor skill development.

Playing with small dolls can help your child develop their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and physical abilities. Plus, it can be a great way for parents and children to bond and spend quality time together. With a variety of props and accessories your child's play space can be as unique and imaginative as they are.

So what are you waiting for? Set the scene and inspire your child's imagination and development with Holdie World and small doll play today!

Holdie World: How This Miniature Playset Can Encourage Fine Motor Skills and Role Play in Canadian Kids

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